Supporting Transit in the 2025 Transportation Package
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Investments in Public Transit Benefit Everyone
Transit services benefit every community across Oregon by relieving congestion within urban centers, serving our senior, low income and vulnerable populations, providing critical paratransit and veteran trips in rural Oregon, and providing safe evacuations during disasters or extreme weather events.
As is the case for other types of transportation, inflation is drastically increasing the cost of providing transit service. Increases in vehicle and fuel costs, preventative maintenance, cost of equipment and ensuring safety are all contributing to this trend. Without an influx of additional resources, many districts may not be able to maintain services that were initiated from House Bill 2017 transit investments.
Safety | Equity | Climate | Economic Development
What is the STIF?
How has the STIF been used to maintain and sustain existing and expanded service?
Oregon’s current transit service is inadequate
What does a more complete transit network look like?
How much funding is needed?
How can the legislature fund transit improvements?
Click on the map to find the transportation offerings in your county.
Oregonians Use Public Transit In Every Corner Of The State
“I am grateful for fearless bus drivers willing to do their part to get the essential and still working persons to work and back with stretched resources. I hope everyone stays safe. Thank you.”
Gelante. Marion County